My publications along with research projects are listed here in reverse chronological order.
- Science Education Research
1. “Status of Astronomy Education in India: A Baseline Survey”, Moupiya Maji, Surhud More, Aniket Sule, Vishaak Balasubramanya, Ankit Bhandari, Hum Chand, Kshitij Chavan, Avik Dasgupta, Anindya De et. al.; 2024, arXiv: 2406.12308 - Scientific Reseach
1. “Insights from the Plant World: A Fractal Analysis Approach to Tune Mechanical Rigidity of Scaffolding Matrix in Thin Films“, D. Bagchi, A. Dasgupta, A. D. Gondaliya, K. S. Rajput, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1141, pp. 57-64, 2016
Contributed Talks
My contributed talks at different international conferences are listed here in reverse chronological order.
- Contributed a talk at 4th Shaw-IAU Workshop, on the topic ‘Development of A Non-Formal Education Curriculum in Astronomy for Middle School Students’ in November 2022.
- Contributed a talk at Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures 2022, on the topic ‘Implementation of Astronomy Workshops in India, immediately after re-opening of schools, with COVID wave in between’ organised by Square Kilometer Array Observatory.